Skilled analytics experts making sure your data is useful
Collating your data
Our workplace analytics software collates an enormous volume of individual bits of data from unified communications & collaboration (UC&C) solutions, and a wide variety of other sources.
Just one phone call can generate as much as 600 bits of data. So, imagine how much data is being generated, as communication and collaboration tools proliferate.
Hundreds of bits of data are being generated for every user, post, reply and conversation, within teams, across disciplines and over geographical boundaries.
Transforming data into information
At Tiger, we don’t only collate your data, we transform, by cross-referencing datasets and applying them to your specific context.
This is when data becomes useful – is transformed into real insight into how your workplace is communicating and collaborating and your UC network is performing.
Every business is different, and all our clients derive insight and improve their performance through data in different ways. That is the power of our agnostic analytics platform – it adapts to diverse situations.
Building understanding
Sometimes our clients need additional expertise to understand the data they can capture, how it can be analysed, how it will be displayed and to interpret the story it tells. They can deliver the insights you need out of the most complex scenarios.
You might need our support at set-up stage, as Tiger Prism is installed. Or you may have a bespoke project you’d like our consultancy on. Either way our experts will deliver maximum impact from your data – the business intelligence you need.
Business outcomes
Use our analytics expertise to achieve:
- Smooth Tiger Prism installation
- Complete set of Tiger Prism capabilities
- Useful workplace information
- Reports tailored to different teams
- Guidance on data opportunities
- Bespoke data analytics objectives