
Tiger Prism User Guide / Individual Product Modules

Below you can find links to the latest documentation for Tiger Prism. Click on any thumbnail or link to download or view the files.

*Due to User Access Restriction, some functionality mentioned in training videos and documents below, may not be available on your user profile.

Tiger Prism User guide thumbnail

Prism User Guide (Full)

Download PDF 

Tiger Prism Microsoft Teams

Download PDF 

Tiger Prism widgets

A widget is a customisable Analytical view that includes a predefined set of columns and filters, allowing users to import, save, modify, and display relevant data on the screen.

Telephony widgets

Prism analytics widget screenshot

Microsoft Teams widgets

Prism analytics widget screenshot

Ask the Experts sessions

Making the most of your data – Reporting, Scheduling, Dashboards

Discover the power of Tiger Prism Analytics

Making the most of Tiger Prism’s features


Tiger Prism Training

Tiger Prism for Microsoft Teams

Tiger Documentation

Dashboard samples thumbnail

Dashboard samples

Download PDF 

Dashboard samples thumbnail

Report samples

Download PDF 

Prism Analytics attributes thumbnail

Analytics attributes


Tiger Prism Call Flag document thumbnail

Call Flag Definitions


Enabling view digits document thumbnail

View Digits


Individual Product Modules

Any suggestions

If you have any ideas or subjects you feel will be helpful with your use of the Tiger Products email outlining what subject you would like covered.

If you feel the documentation is incorrect or you need more assistance please email