Modern Slavery Statement 2023


Tiger delivers business intelligence, call management information, and collaboration analytics to corporates, public sector organisations and SME’s.

As a software provider our supply chains are not extensive, but we recognise that all companies need to demonstrate awareness and responsibility regarding this global problem.

Our business activity is primarily as a supplier of software and Saas products to public and private sector business around the world. We have four main business units, comprising: Development, Sales, Support and Managed Service teams.

Anti-slavery and Anti-trafficking policies

Modern Slavery can take various forms, including slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Tiger has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere within either its own business or in any of its supply chains, consistent with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Tiger also expects the same high standards from all of its suppliers, contractors and other business partners and, as part of its contracting processes, it includes specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and expects that its suppliers will in turn hold their own suppliers to the same standards.

Breaches of this policy will be treated seriously, employees will face disciplinary action for misconduct or gross misconduct, either of which can lead to dismissal.

Tiger has always operated with a friendly, family style atmosphere. All levels of management, up to and including the CEO, have an open-door policy for all staff to bring problems and grievances if necessary. However, we understand that there can be a level of discomfort in reporting these matters, so also have an anonymous whistleblowing channel, covered in both induction and annual training for all staff.


Tiger has a relatively low risk, as we employ under 50 staff who all work from the same office. Our supply chain is limited, but includes suppliers for office hardware supply, secure hardware disposal, data centre operation and janitorial services. Contracts will include an Ethical policy, prohibiting exploitation of children or adults by any for of Modern Slavery. Any failure to agree to or meet this will result in breach of contract and may result in termination of the agreement altogether.


We recognise that simply advising staff of a policy is not enough and encourage vigilance to identify any issues that they may encounter either within the business or when dealing with supply chains and partners.

Our ISMS training schedule has been overhauled, and now includes a mandatory testing element that will help to confirm comprehension of key policies, including Modern Slavery, Harassment and Discrimination, as well as the channels that they can use to raise concerns about any these issues.

This statement was approved by the Board March 2023.

Stephen McCallum
