In the news… Ben Nicklen appears in Business Leader magazine!

Ben Nicklen profile pic
Ben Nicklen
Chief Operating Officer

In the news… Ben Nicklen appears in Business Leader magazine!

As our chief operating officer, Ben Nicklen leads by example. But, how does he spend his time to ensure his daily routine remains productive? He recently contributed to Business Leader for its feature on ‘My Working Day’. Here’s more…

What time do you usually wake up?

I have an alarm for 6.45am, although it’s probably 7.15am before I wake up….

What do you typically have for breakfast?

Coffee. I put it on before sorting breakfast for my dog, Chester. Depending on the day ahead I may fast, load up or have a fruit and protein-based shake.

What’s the rest of your morning routine before you start work?

I check my messages and emails and make sure I’m alert to anything requiring my immediate attention. I read the news and take a few minutes to think about what I need to focus on. A quick dog walk and possibly a Wattbike session also helps to get me in the right mindset to progress the day.

First thing you do at the start of a workday?

Review the priorities, catch up with my team and remind myself of what’s in the diary.

How do you prioritise your work?

I’ve always had good instincts for knowing what’s important to focus on first. At this point in time, and in my role as Tiger COO, I have a particular focus on how every action I take contributes to the development of our business. It could be money-generating or saving, or helping our team develop and deliver amazing customer experience. Overall, it’s got to add value to Tiger, our customers and the workforce.

Do you plan meetings or are they a waste of time?

I always plan and start with an agenda because it must be clear from the outset what needs to be achieved in that meeting, otherwise it’s a waste of time. However, ideas take time to develop and sometimes you need to let conversations flow, although it’s important to not let waffle steal those moments.

Do you have a working lunch or is it good to take a break?

I always make sure I have a break. When I’m not at my computer, I’m often listening to a podcast or catching up with a colleague or friend.

When does your working day finish?

I normally break for dinner at 6pm to clear my head but I’ll often return to finish off a few things or plan for upcoming tasks. I like to catch up with one or two of the leadership team and sometimes this takes place on WhatsApp at 9pm –we chat a lot and like to make each other chuckle so it doesn’t feel like work… but it can go on late!

How do you prepare for your next day’s work?

by closing down the previous day the best way I can. I do think it’s important to continue supporting everybody and identifying what we need to spend our time ahead of tomorrow.

What’s your favourite piece of technology?

I love my gadgets and am a bit of a geek at heart but I’m going to say that my favourite technology is fire. Our industry drives change at a crazy rate but there is something both romantic and productive about a fire. I could sit and watch it with family and friends where we can cook, chat and keep warm… sometimes the best tech is the simplest.

How do you switch off?

I cycle and walk Chester. I also love music and can often be seen wandering with my Airpods.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Know yourself. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t….

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