5 ways data analytics can improve universities’ clearing process

group of students in a classroom working
5 ways data analytics can improve universities’ clearing process

5 ways data analytics can improve universities’ clearing process

Clearing is one of the most important dates in the higher education (HE) academic calendar, and while it begins officially in July, the busiest period is usually after A-level results day, before closing in October.

There were 53,000 UK students that entered the clearing process in 2022 – the highest volume in over 10 years – and this trend is likely to continue.

So, how can data analytics software help university clearing teams to ensure a high-quality and cost-effective service delivery?

Here are five key ways…

  1. Accurately measure call volumes
    Live call data dashboards during clearing can be viewed by IT teams and call operators – allowing all stakeholders to have a real-time view of how the clearing period is performing. This isn’t solely limited to the number of inbound calls though, it also includes metrics such as call duration, how long it takes for calls to be answered, and any recurring drop-outs.
  2. Identify any technical and operational bottlenecks
    Using the insights above, clearing teams have greater visibility over their tech estate.For example, if calls continually drop after a minute, this could signal a wider issue with the telephony or wider IT infrastructure – allowing the problem to be identified and solved much faster than without data evidence.
  3. Optimise resource planning management
    If you know when the peak call times are, universities can plan accordingly. Without such information, it’s effectively like operating in the dark – there may be too few staff members when demand is at its highest, and too many when the phone lines are quieter.
  4. Enhance the student experience
    Clearing is a stressful time. Students going through clearing are trying to find a university place – and fast. If it takes too long for their call to be answered or there are any technical faults that hinder communication, they will move on to the next one on their list.By providing a seamless clearing encounter, not only are HE providers meeting the needs of prospective customers, but they are protecting their reputation – and bottom line – in tandem.
  5. Gain greater visibility to spot trends
    While having ‘data on the day’ is helpful for clearing teams, so is the opportunity to see the bigger picture.Annual data can be viewed and compared to help managers make more informed, and evidence-based decisions – not only about the resource needed in terms of manpower, but also the technology to provide the best service.Amid the current cost-of-living crisis, it’s never been more important for universities to identify and address any ‘technical debt’ too – if a software or hardware investment isn’t providing the return it promised, data can highlight this.


We have many years of experience working within the HE space – with clients such as Middlesex University London – so if you’d like to get in touch about how Tiger Prism could support your clearing operation, call +44 (0)1425 891000 or email hello@tiger.io.