Tiger announces partnership with Centripetal

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Tiger announces partnership with Centripetal

Tiger announces partnership with Centripetal

We’ve become a Platinum partner with Centripetal, the global leader in intelligence powered cybersecurity, who are optimising the world’s largest collection of threat intelligence, in real-time, to protect organisations from every known cyberthreat through its innovative patented technologies.

Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET®  solution delivers the only proactive approach to intelligence powered cybersecurity, leveraging the latest computing technology and skilled operations intelligence analysts, at dramatically lower cost. Through our own deployment, Tiger have already experienced the benefits this new security system brings to both our staff and hosted services. As a reseller of CleanINTERNET®, we’re now looking forward to the impact it will have when deployed within clients own environments.

What is Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET® service?

Centripetal offers high-grade cybersecurity technology that protects organisational infrastructure from inbound and outbound threats. With roots in the American Government, the business has been established since 2009. The CleanINTERNET® service is a culmination of $200 million of research, plus hundreds of patents.

CleanINTERNET® presents an alternative approach to cybersecurity, putting threat intelligence at the forefront, moving from reactive to proactive defence, and helping security teams be more efficient and effective. It works by adding an additional layer configured in front of existing firewalls, augmenting organisational protection with robust anti-threat measures. Its four key pillars consist of:

  1. Blocking unwanted reconnaissance traffic
  2. Preventing access to malicious websites
  3. Neutralising spyware such as malware
  4. Identifying threats before they cause damage.

CleanINTERNET® at Tiger

The partnership comes at a crucial time for global enterprise, where threats are becoming more prominent by the day. James Lamont, IT Manager at Tiger, says: “This is world-leading security. In 2022, 100% of successful cyber attacks were against enterprises that already had a firewall in place, so we’re no longer dealing with traditional threats, Centripetal unveiled previously undetected traffic in our robust security infrastructure.”

CleanINTERNET’s added layer of security stops attacks in their tracks before they become an issue. Since implementing the software at Tiger, our internet-facing devices are no longer detectable online through public scanners or detection tools, effectively reducing our internet footprint.  Its advanced threat detection blocks attacks before they become damaging. It scans all packet headers and decides what to do with the information – to expand the packet or decrypt the files. The result is a strengthened security posture, ensuring that our online presence remains under our control and hidden from potential threats.

What does the Centripetal x Tiger partnership mean for clients?

By strengthening our internal security processes, the team at Tiger can further assure our hosted clients that their customer data is protected. This same level of security intelligence can now also be offered to our non-hosted clients thanks to Tiger’s reseller capabilities. Chris Handscomb, Technical Engineer at Centripetal, says: “Every organisation is entrusted with their customers’ data.

“When a data breach happens, it’s about more than just the legal issues. All manner of important data could fall into a criminal’s hands – leading the customer to question if they trust your brand.”

Saving time and resources within clients own deployments

Traditional security appliances tend to overwhelm users with events, alerts and logs. Instead, Centripetal’s software intercepts and neutralises reconnaissance traffic before it gets to this stage using a powerful combination of advanced threat detection, zero trust modelling, and more than 70 third party intelligence providers. In turn, it reduces network strain and unnecessary notifications and complements this with a top-tier, white-glove service through an online portal which all leads to reduced staff impact and improved technical resource capabilities.

It works 1,000 times faster than traditional firewalls, working to enhance them, not replace them. By reducing unwanted network traffic, it improves uptime. It also removes user exposure to potential threats from unsafe web links and phishing attacks which in turn minimises the risk of human error that may previously have gone undetected for a prolonged period of time.

CleanINTERNET® in numbers

Previous experiments on CleanINTERNET’s software have shown just how beneficial it is to Tiger and our customers. With its four key pillars, the program has achieved:

  • 40% reduction in unwanted traffic
  • 400,000 hack attempts blocked before even reaching our firewall
  • 250 providers checking for red flags (attacks are stopped with just one)
  • 15-minute real-time intervals for threat detection.

A more secure future

This first partnership of its kind in the UK offers a myriad of benefits to Tiger’s hosted and on-premise customers. Each deployment is totally bespoke to the organisation’s needs, eliminating the threat of false positives and working as your business scales.

It has offered a welcome upgrade to Tiger’s already robust security measures. With this new partnership, we can guarantee customer security with high-speed updates. From safeguarding against internal attacks to protecting our clients, we look forward to our continued partnership with Centripetal.

You can find out more about the solution here.