Why is workplace analytics important to the education sector?

Why is workplace data analytics important to the education sector?
Like many other sectors, education has experienced a seismic shift over recent years. The pandemic accelerated technological advancements – making way for long-term transformation. And as with any change impacting our next generation, the stakes are high. That’s why ensuring the right tools are in place to ensure their educational success, is crucial.
Blended learning lives on
While within the schooling system, a business-as-usual – or students at desks — approach has returned; higher education establishments tell a different story. Because for many universities and colleges, the benefits of a hybrid approach to both teaching and learning live on.
After the more rigid experience of school and college, it’s no surprise that university students crave additional flexibility. And with technology paving the way to increased educational accessibility for students — whether due to additional needs, illness, or from a flexibility standpoint — it will always be a huge draw.
So, it stands to reason that usage of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom has remained high among the sector. But with that, comes an expectation that the platforms are fit for purpose – driving results, improving connections between students and staff, and helping engagement soar.
With its intuitive dashboards, Tiger Prism can provide at-a-glance feedback – offering insights into engagement levels, and even helping to highlight potential wellbeing issues. What’s more, by providing secure role-based access to nominated staff rather than just centralised IT teams you can provide increased data at your fingertips to tackle issues before they reap costly impacts — such as course drop-outs, or dips in achievement levels — further down the line.
The hybrid workforce
While students might be the first people to spring to mind when it comes to the education sector, behind the scenes there’s a whole workforce seeking out flexible ways of working – which often means hundreds of costly UC&C licenses.
Ensuring that these are being used to their full potential, can be tricky. But Tiger Prism can help take the guesswork out of the process – identifying where spend is proving worthwhile, and where it may be possible to cut back. As with students, it can also identify trends with engagement and wellbeing, providing opportunities to support staff and ensure a happy and productive working environment.
Conquering clearing
For those in the education space, clearing is one of the most financially important events of the year. An opportunity to enrol new students, against the backdrop of a plethora of other institutions trying to do the same, it’s vital that the process goes smoothly.
But with an influx of calls, it can be a highly stressful event. Especially considering the financial repercussions of missing a call, when the cost of a UK university place is at an all time high.
With Tiger Prism, universities can use live dashboards and real-time reporting to monitor peak periods and subsequent call hold times – adjusting staffing levels accordingly. With the resulting data, teams can analyse and interpret data to prepare for future years, driving an improved experience for callers, while having a direct impact upon profitability.
Of-the-moment analysis can highlight technological issues too, leading to a reduction in missed calls and a more responsive approach to customer experience. Often the very first impression that a potential student receives of an establishment, it’s a vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to selecting a place of learning.
Providing a single pane of glass through which to view your data, Tiger Prism can help unlock a host of insights which can help educational institutions to stay ahead of the curve, long into the future.
Find out how Tiger Prism helped to revolutionise the clearing process for Middlesex University, here.
Learn more about what Tiger Prism’s workplace analytics functionality can offer for your college or university, here