Workplace data analytics for the
education sector

Harnessing data to make a difference

Technology adoption has soared within education – with blended learning being one of the biggest drivers of this digital transformation.

Usage of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom is also at an all-time high across the sector – helping to bridge the connection between staff and students when teaching and studying remotely.

The world of education is responsible for shaping our future generations, and workplace data-led insights can help institutions to make more informed decisions that improve their learning, financial, and wellbeing strategies.

Middlesex University London

Discover how Tiger Prism is used by one of the capital’s top public universities, helping them to reduce missed calls, boost revenue and enhance student experience during clearing.

Benefits of big data in education

From budgeting to blended learning, data can help both further and higher education institutions to:

  • Prevent course drop-outs
  • Streamline internal processes
  • Measure student engagement
  • Maximise clearing opportunities
  • Evaluate resource gaps and requirements
  • Provide tailored staff and student support
  • Identify teacher and pupil wellbeing issues
  • Measure and improve pupil satisfaction levels
  • Sweat assets for maximum ROI
  • Foster a more holistic learning environment

And more!

What role does data analytics play within the education sector?

Our Sales Director, Caroline Lewis, recently shared her thoughts on the role data analytics plays within the education sector, and how it can help to create a more enhanced learning experience for students and staff, as schools, colleges, and universities across the country.

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Key capabilities

user adoption icon

User adoption

Monitor the use of collaboration tools including speech, chat, video and conferencing to determine return on investment.

tech investment icon

Tech investment

Understand existing traffic compared to network capacity to design your future network and the right level of investment.

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Cost control

Understand voice, video and data traffic on a global scale to plan capacity and route traffic cost effectively.

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Customer experience

Get a clear picture of call performance compared to customer experience KPIs to plan your technology and people resource.

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Cost allocation

Reconcile your call costs for cross-charging and invoicing.

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Fraud detection

Set up automated alerts to inform your team of potential fraud as it happens.

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Personal call manager

Increases employees’ visibility of the costs they incur to limit personal calls and direct how they use call and collaboration tools.

Call alerts icon

Call alerts

Set up automated alerts on specified telephone numbers to alert departments of important activity.

Roger Fox, Operations Group Manager, Middlesex University London

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