Tiger Telephony widgets

A widget is a customisable Analytical view that includes a predefined set of columns and filters, allowing users to import, save, modify, and display relevant data on the screen.

Inbound External Calling Digits

Prism analytics widget screenshot

This Inbound External Calling Digits widget will allow you to search for a specific set of calling digits, (one or many) from an external caller. It will show where the call went in the business and the outcome of the call.

Out of Hours to a Specific Set of Called Digits

Prism analytics widget screenshot

The Out of Hours widget outputs calls going to a specific extension either outside 8 -18:00 weekdays or all-day Saturday and Sunday. The example is set at Called Digits of ‘2405’.

Summary of Called Device Types (incoming)

Prism analytics widget screenshot

The Called Device Type widget will show the Called Device Types and the sum of the leg count for the period selected.

Summary of Called Device Types (outgoing)

Prism analytics widget screenshot

The Calling Device Type widget will show the Calling Device Types and the sum of the leg count for the period selected.

CDR Source Leg Count

Prism analytics widget screenshot

The CDR Source Leg Count will summarise the number of legs on each cdr source on your system over the period selected.

Individual High Cost Calls

Prism analytics widget screenshot

The Individual High Cost Calls widget will list any individual calls that have a total cost of more than the cost set in the filter. In this example it is set to £5.00

Outbound International Calls

This widget will allow you to search for calls made to International numbers.

Inbound calls to Hunt Groups

This widget will allow you to search for incoming calls that have come into the business via a Hunt Group.

Do you have a question, idea, or specific request for a widget? Send them to services@tiger.io.